cooking, italian, recipes

My Homemade Alfredo Sauce

I originally found the Alfredo sauce recipe at

You’ll notice as I continue to post, I like to change things based on taste preferences. For instance, although I love Italian food, I am not a big fan of Parmesan. I feel it is slightly sweet, when the recipe should taste salty. So when I first made this recipe, I added in some mozzarella cheese alongside the Parmesan. I could still taste the sweetness and so I started dabbling with it.

The basic steps still follow:

-Start with a couple tablespoons of butter

(The amount depends on how much of the sauce you are going to use. I usually pour this over fettuccine Alfredo pasta, or over a stuffed shells recipe my friend gave me. *She originally makes it with red sauce, but I feel the white sauce really makes it pop. Or it could be the amount of butter you use for the Alfredo sauce.)

-Let it completely melt under medium heat.

-Grab one pint of heavy whipping cream. (You can use the entire amount, or add in as you please – I’m a huge fan of changing recipes to suit YOUR tastes!)

-Start to slowly add in the cream. Adding it in small batches will help mix the butter and cream together!

-Pinch of salt and pepper.

(Taste-testing here is VITAL!)

-Bring it to a boil.

-Stir it occasionally and take off after it simmers for five minutes and thickens.

-Now, the recipe verifies to take off the heat to start stirring in the sauce. I find that turning it down as low as possible helps, because I usually throw in whole pieces of cheese.

-I USE A COMBINATION OF PEPPER JACK CHEESE AND MOZZARELLA. The peppers in the cheese give it a fantastic bite, and the mozzarella keeps it very creamy. Plus the variation of the taste gives any recipe you pair it with a whole new kick. I am huge fan of pepper jack cheese and love it in a lot of recipes that call for different types of cheeses. If you do not like pepper jack, use any white cheese you have a fascination with. I am sure monterey jack, mozzarella, or any combination of them will turn out great. Remember! Pick what suits you, do not always adhere to what the original recipe says. The person who created it, like it the way it is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

We are however all individuals!

*Keep cooking with what you love!



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